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Under 50

This is a unique time in most people’s lives. You might be busy with raising a family, your career, maybe having to travel or put in a lot of hours. Your body isn’t responding the same way it did 10 years ago to how you eat and work out. Or you gave up working out when the family and career came along. Maybe you just need to carve out a little time that is just for you. Whatever your reason or motivation, we can help you get YOU back.


Humble Fitness is a private studio, which means there is only ONE client in the studio at any given time. Humble Fitness adheres to all CDC recommended guidelines with detailed in-depth and frequent cleanings. Medical-grade cleaning products and hand sanitizers available throughout the studio.

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John Humble

He is the only man in Montana history to win championships in all three styles of weight lifting: power lifting, Olympic lifting and bodybuilding.

John Humble has extensive experience in the fitness industry.

Contact us for information on personal training in our exquisitely appointed private studio in Maryland Farms, Brentwood, TN. John is also available for email or phone consultations and as a guest speaker.

John Humble - Nashville Personal Trainer

Locate Us

Humble Fitness
Located in Maryland Farms in Brentwood, TN by appointment only
115 Penn Warren Dr,
Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 377-2334


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