“What I do for my clients works and has a proven record, Why? Glad you asked, because nobody on this planet has my experience with helping people stay healthy and fit.”
At Humble Fitness our training is centered around resistance training. We have state-of-the-art equipment not found in other personal training studios. We give each client one-on-one attention, and after an extensive evaluation we tailor a program specifically for each client to help them achieve their goals. We specialize in training teen athletes, people over 50 and women, although we have clients in every age group and ability level.
We have a proven nutrition program and provide valuable education on weight loss or weight gain, what-how-why to eat to reach your goals, reading labels, etc. Our body composition evaluation will help keep you on track, giving you periodic printouts of your weight, % body fat, and other valuable information.
John has also developed programs specifically for bad knees or a bad back and can help strengthen those areas, maybe even helping the client avoid surgery.